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i) Featured as the cover.

ii) Highlighted in Editorial of Deep Water collection.

iii) Reported by hundreds of news outlets


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       i) Highlighted by Yale Scientific Magazine

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​Conference papers and abstracts:

  • T Gu, JW Valley, K Kitajima, et al., 2018 Evidence of subducted altered oceanic crust into deep mantle from inclusions of IaB diamonds. GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA.

  • K Lee, T Gu, N Creasy, M Li, C McCammon, J Girard 2018 Aiding Atmosphere Oxidation Through Mantle Convection, Goldschmidt Abstracts, keynote abstract.

  • T Gu, JW Valley, K Kitajima, J Fournelle, M Spicuzza et al., 2018 Evidence of subducted altered oceanic crust into deep mantle from inclusions of type IaB diamonds. GIA symposium, Gem and Gemology, 2018 fall.

  • K Lee, T Gu, N Creasy, M Li, C McCammon, J Girard 2017 Facilitating atmosphere oxidation through mantle convection, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, invited.

  • K Lee, T Gu, N Creasy, M Li & C McCammon 2017 Facilitating Atmosphere Oxidation Through Mantle Convection, Goldschmidt Abstracts.

  • T Gu, W Wang 2017 IaB diamond and its geological implications, 11th International Kimberlite Conference, Gaborone, Bostwana.

  • T Gu, W Wang, Ohfuji H 2017 Micro- and nano- sized inclusions in IaB diamonds and their geological implications, GSA annual meeting, Seattle, US.

  • J Liu, DY Kim, Q Hu, T Gu, W Bi, Y Xiao, Y Meng, P Chow, HK Mao, WL Mao 2016 New FeO2 phase and the origins of ultralow-velocity zones at the core-mantle boundary, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

  • K Lee, T Gu, M Li, CA McCammon 2015 The Mantle-Atmosphere Connection: Oxidation of the Atmosphere through Mantle Convection, AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts.

  • T Gu, M Li, C McCammon, K Lee 2014 The effect of ferric iron concentration on lower mantle phase assemblage: Implications for mantle convection, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, US.

  • S De Silva, V Finlayson, T Gu, M Li, C Lithgow-Bertelloni, V Cormier 2014 Modeling Mantle Heterogeneity Development in Earth’s Mantle Using Multidisciplinary Approaches, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, US.

  • T Gu, Y Fei, V Stagno, S Qin, X Wu 2012 Structure stability of iron phosphides and metal/silicate partition coefficient for phosphorus in early Mars, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, CA, US.

  • T Gu, Y Fei, S Qin, X Wu 2012 Stabilities of Fe3(PxS1-x) in Earth and planetary interiors: experimental studies with multi-anvil apparatus and diamond anvil cell, Joint 2012 COMPRES annual meeting and High-Pressure Mineral Physics Seminar-8, Lake Tahoe, CA, US.

  • T Gu, X Wu, S Qin, Y Fei 2012 Magnetic and structural transitions of Fe3P and implications for phosphorus in planetary cores. 46th LPSC meeting, Houston, TX, US.

  • T Gu, S Qin, X Wu, J Yang, F Zhu, CL Lin, XD Li, J Liu, Q Cai 2011 Thermal expansibility and compressibility of prehnite, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 8th annual meeting, Taiwan.

  • T Gu, S Qin, X Wu 2011 In situ powder X-ray diffraction investigation on thermal behavior of pyromorphite [Pb10(PO4)6Cl2], International School of Crystallography, 44th course: The Power of Powder Diffraction, Erice, Italy.

Publication is not the end of a project, but the beginning of a new thought

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